Christian Crusade : file of miscellaneous publications, some by Billy James Hargis. [196?-


Christian Crusade : file of miscellaneous publications, some by Billy James Hargis. [196?-

1 portfolio ; 25 x 38 cm.

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Christian Crusade (corporateBody)

Hargis, Billy James, 1925- (person)

Billy James Hargis was born on August 3, 1925, in Texarkana, Texas. He graduated from Texarkana High School, and briefly attended Ozark Bible College in Bentonville, Arkansas, before dropping out to become a preacher. Ordained as a minister by the Disciples of Christ while still a teenager, he later received a degree in theology from Burton College and Seminary in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He served as pastor to churches in Sallisaw, Oklahoma, and Granby, Missouri, before becoming pastor of Fi...

Michigan State University. Library. American Radicalism Collection (corporateBody)